Automatic Sanitiser Dispenser

Automatic Sanitiser Dispenser

Touch Australia automatic sanitiser dispenser provides the use of Disinfectant with non-contact methods.

Apart from the automatic sanitiser dispenser , there are product options for many different areas of use such as liquid soap dispensers, hand and surface cleaners, disinfectants, wipes, and cleaning paper towels.

You can easily and comfortably find the products that you can use in environments where the number of people is high, crowded areas, school, hospital, post office, patisserie, all public transportation areas such as buses, metro ferries, your private vehicles, your private offices, even in your own living spaces. You can disinfect your hands at every moment of your life, and for this, you can complete your processes practically without the need for soap and water.

All germs and bacteria are destroyed within 10 seconds at the most, as you use the company’s products. Provides long-term protection after use. It does not contain any active ingredients that will harm the health of the person. It does not have any effect on the foods that can be eaten in children, the elderly and infants. Its only effect is to wage war against harmful microbes, viruses and bacteria. In this way, you can reliably use the products of this company’s brand and provide a high level of cleaning and hygiene.

As an automatic disinfectant dispenser, this device, which we saw only in hospitals before the epidemic, has now become almost our basic need. Suitable for use anywhere. You can install it in every area, from apartment entrances to elevators.

It is easy to install, easy to open, and has easy adjustable features. There are matching titles available. There is a dosage setting. It can be used in any amount you want. There are security locks against theft, you can add extra if you want. Easy to clean. Dishwasher safe parts are available. Stainless body and equipment can be used for many years. To order, go to Touch Australia online and buy directly from the manufacturer at an affordable price. Protect your health with Touch Australia.

Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser (No Arduino) - Arduino Project Hub